
It's not just for avoiding zombies. If you know me, you know I'm an avid Peloton cult member. I don't even feel bashful about it. My life is better for it.

If you've never met me, you'd be presented with a guy who looks like a recovering Chad, and someone who is more for “lifting the heavy things” than any endurance sports. Also, you'd be right. I'm all that stuff.

Anyways, a couple years ago, my wife made the executive Xmas decision to purchase the Peloton. Since then, I've devoted 4 nights a week to it. (Also, ditched alcohol altogether)

I realized everyone I admire does cardio.

I also need to keep up with my mountaineer wife.

Yes, my health has improved. What I didn’t expect is the mental clarity.

Kicking my own ass on a regular basis made taking unexpected punches easier. I find myself less affected... by everything unimportant.

I'm sure my cardio friends learned this lesson years ago but for those of us who love crunchy snacks, it's making a huge difference. I’m curious how some of you have made life changes like this.


Angry Emails

